Corporate & Businesses

Customized Speaking Topics

Creating Growth-Filled Leaders & Teams

All of Michael’s talks are customized to fit the vision of every event. Below are signature keynote templates that are 100% customizable!


Michael speaks on how to enhance our workplaces and our lives through personal reflection, self-awareness, and interpersonal transformation! In addition to enhancing the culture of workplaces, Michael is also widely celebrated for his inspirational “employee wellness” talks that deal with topics ranging from mental/emotional health to relationship health to personal finance health. Our organizations are ONLY as healthy as our people; invest in them TODAY!

Michael McGill Jr quote feedback building communication connection shame compassion speaker author tv education corporate
Michael McGill Jr Book Signing Hanes Brands Best keynote speaker

Transforming Your Culture: How Do You Show Up?

Evaluating and transforming the culture of our organizations first start with an introspective look at ourselves-- how we show up every day. Everyone is involved with transforming the culture. Every action that we do plants a seed into our organization's garden, but until we learn the art of self-awareness & reflection, we won't be able to grow. In order for trust to be cultivated, there must first be a sense of safety. Trust goes beyond inspiration; it empowers people to endure and rise strong, which leads to connection and peak performance. This high energy & interactive keynote is filled with tools that sharpen everyone's interpersonal skill-set and brings out the leader among them all.

Benefits & Learning Outcomes

Advanced tools for self-awareness & questioning
Become conduits of empathy & accountability + create realms of safety with those whom you serve
4 tools for having difficult conversations
4 behaviors that build community
3 ways to cultivate trust and connection
Become leaders of vision
Master the skill-set of using language to get enhanced results

Feedback is not about confrontation, but

about a conversation. Confrontation means arms

are defensive & ready for combat. But a conversation

invites someone on a pathway of mutual growth.

Feedback isn't about shame; it's about connection."

-Michael McGill, Jr.

Building Community through Connection: The Art of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence skills are not innate, but are learned behaviors. By investing in the EQ skills of employees, they are supported with achieving peak performance in their roles. EQ involves processing our own emotions, but also learning how to connect on a deeper level with others to increase our connection and impact. These interpersonal skills have great impact on someone's career success + enhance collaboration, foster a growth mindset, and lower turnover. Audiences will learn how to build quality relationships, foster trust, and connect well with others.

Benefits & Learning Outcomes

Master the skill of self-awareness & self-questioning
Learn how to respond vs. react to challenges
Become conduits of empathy & accountability
Master the art of giving feedback
Learn the power of reflective listening
Develop skills to decrease conflict & enhance communication / interpersonal skills
Michael captivating audience discussing trauma brain education
Michael captivating audience discussing trauma brain education speaker Michael McGill Jr

Building Community:

Communication that Connects



(Customized) One of the biggest challenges with communication is the belief that it has occurred when it's been anything but a fruitful exchange or impartation of information. We live in such a connected society, yet many of us are disconnected from each other and it even shows up in the workplace. Without the tools, information is missed, conflict boils, and expectations aren't met. This leads to a missed opportunity for connection. In this popular and riveting, researched-informed, and eye-opening experience, we'll discuss powerful tools to get people to PAY ATTENTION and practical ways we can build effective partnerships and allies in order to establish desired goals. Everything starts with communication, but do we have the tools to communicate effectively? 

Benefits & Learning Outcomes

Powerfully understand how to create rapport, build trust, and establish strong credibility
Master rules of Influence
Discover ways to give fruitful feedback that promotes GROWTH
Enhance coaching acumen (for team leaders) 
Develop life-winning listening strategies 
Learn how to gracefully ask for what you need
How to speak to be understood and not just heard
Tools that increase collaboration and decrease resistance 
Research that shows the power of leading with your head AND heart to connect

Wellness that Wins: The Power of InTRApersonal Connection

It shouldn't be a secret that people need to be well in order to do good work. More organizations are learning that when employees are healthy and feeling their best mentally, emotionally, and physically, they’ll behave and perform better in the workplace. More engaged and connected employees are often involved, committed, and enthusiastic. Research strongly suggests that engaged employees save the organization financial resources over time; It’s a relationship that builds off of one another. Organizations emphasizing wellness's importance set their teams up for massive and radical success! Positive psychological health in the workplace leads to enhancing how everyone lives, leads, and performs.

Benefits & Learning Outcomes

Learn how to set healthy boundaries that = increased productivity
Establish ways to work through conflict & confrontation 
Develop healthy responses to emotional challenging situations 
How to build the muscle of resiliency
Proven strategies that change the brain and create new neurological pathways for more fruitful behaviors 
Tools that build healthy relationships in the workplace and in life
Michael McGill Jr Profile picture speaker author website
Michael McGill Jr stage speaking speaker author
Michael McGill Jr TV camera FOX CNN

Impartation from Inspiration: The Customized Experience

(Customized experience) Do you have a special program that seeks to uplift, inform, educate, entertain, encourage, and empower your audience members? Is your organization producing a special conference or professional development program and you want the attendees to be enriched & inspired with life and professional skills? From discussing the meaning of purpose / our "why" & how we can impact others, to teaching principles of radical self-care and ways of creating healthy relationships, to sharing a story of overcoming and beating the odds: Michael has you covered! In addition to having a background in counseling, Michael is a regular guest contributor and expert for daytime talk shows and local morning shows where he discusses life principles that aid viewers in creating the life they desire & deserve. From women's conferences, professional development programs, to leadership retreats and fireside chats, Michael has flourished in these environments time and time again. Attendees have been moved to radical action in their personal and professional lives! Let's begin to customize the talk for your organization today!  

Previous Customized Titles Include

How Do You Show Up: Understanding Your Power to Impact
Money and Mental Health: How Getting our Mind Right Impacts our Money!
Mental Health & Emotional Well-being in the Workplace
Powerful Relationships that Heal: Keys to Interdependent Relationships
Understanding our Patterns & Pathologies: Keys to Self-Awareness, Self-Correction, and Self-Healing

Michael's Partial List of Happy Clients:

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