More About Michael

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QUOTE- You have the right to evolve Michael McGill Jr

Check Out Michael's Story!

Who I Am

I am a life teacher, soul-student, question-asker, storyteller, and heart searcher. I'm also an unrelenting optimist who believes in the life-altering power of human connection and how it transforms our lives, communities, schools, and work spaces. And, I'm an overcomer of bad habits, great loss, trials, and life-altering setbacks. Even as a big personality, I'm learning what it means to live a life of passion, love, wellness, wholeness, and wholehearted living. And I get to teach others how to do it, too!

Michael McGill Water

What I Do

Ignite freedom and growth so that people can live, love, and lead well! I support people in living the highest expression of themselves from a place of wellness and wholeness. As a result of my work, leaders, educators, corporate employees, and community organizations are able to build healthier communities, create greater connection, and increase their impact on those whom they serve. I'm looking for organizations that are ready to radically enhance their climate & culture to ensure that everyone feels valued, belongs, and has the tools to flourish.

Oh. And I LOVE appearing on T.V talkin' to & teachin' people about tools that can empower them to create the life they desire and deserve. And I kayak + go horseback riding for therapy. It feeds my SOUL!

Self-Improvement Speaker . Light Shiner . Behavior Interrupter . Writer . Heart Searcher

Welcome! I'm so glad you could join in this space to engage with me and learn more about the work that sets my soul on fire. My background is in education, social psychology, and clinical mental health counseling where my focus has been on wellness and cultivating healthy relationships. I teach people the art of healthy relationship building, quality & empathetic leadership, and how to create more fruitful connections that increase impact. As a student of [healthy] relationships, I've seen how they can transform lives, which ultimately transforms our world. And let me be the first to say: I've had my share of messy experiences, fractured relationships, and I've made some unhealthy choices because I didn't have the tools to do it differently. I believe that's the case for many of us-- we don't have the tools to do what is expected or needed, and then we fail. But I believe we can learn a new way.

As a result of my work, people and organizations are enriched with the tools to evolve! They become more self-aware, compassionately lead others, develop a growth-mindset, and grow their soft / interpersonal skills. The methods that I teach are for work life and home life; they radically enhance the climate & culture of schools, organizations, and family systems because people feel seen, supported, and held accountable. This work must be habitual and intentional if we want to radically transform our spaces. Every day. Every action. Every word. It all contributes to the culture. Additional results of working with me include individuals growing in their emotional intelligence, communication skills, and capacity for self-awareness + self-questioning. Coupled with speaking, writing, and TV work, my resume includes roles as a school teacher, mediation counselor, university instructor, and organizational leader. My research and work teach about the power and promise that comes when we get the tools to engage with each other in a nurturing and accountable way, and when we build community.

What I Know For Sure: We are all just one tool away from a radically different life. I seek to catalyze growth in people so they may see what's possible through improving the relationship that they have with themselves and others. I gracefully teach people how to rise up in unique ways, check their egos, have hard yet meaningful conversations, and get the tools to be a conduit of growth, empathy, elevation, and exploration.

Remember the power that you possess-- power to radically transform the world through human connection and the human touch. And know that the world wouldn't be the same without YOU in it. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you for sharing yourself with us!

Here's to being kind, bodacious, and beautiful souls. 

Here's to being the light,

Top 4 Reasons Why Organizations Book Michael

Michael McGill Jr. Dancing


Personable & Fun

In order to reach people, you must first meet them where they are. Audiences will feel so connected to Michael because of his personality and approachable style. With his warmth, vulnerability, and charisma, they'll be excited for growth!



"I've never thought of it that way" is a common phrase audience members affirm. People will leave reflecting long after the talk with many "ah-ha's" that cause them to self-reflect on how they show up and learn the art of self-questioning.


Practical & Relevant

Michael's mission is to create an experience around your vision so participants leave with actionable strategy they can apply immediately. With Michael's EXPLOSION of INSPIRATION and experiential learning, they'll leave with an enriched toolbox + a foundation to use the new tools!



Our office is easy and efficient to work with. From developing customized content to booking all accommodations, the booking process is time-saving and easy. Our office operates with the utmost of professionalism and positive regard.

Official Bio

Self-Improvement Speaker . Behavior Interrupter . Educator . Storyteller

Michael McGill, Jr. is a lifelong student of healthy relationships & human

development, and he's an unrelenting optimist who believes that we can be great

individually, but we can be unshakably extraordinary when we get the tools to join and

commune in healthy relationships with each other. Known as a “People Builder,” he's

been featured on Dr. Phil, CNN, HLN, CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC networks

nationwide. Michael teaches practical principles of personal & professional development

that enrich one’s capacity to live, love, and lead higher. As a result of Michael’s tools,

people have been able to radically build community, create connection, and

increase their impact-- all of which shifts the climate & culture of their work spaces and

their personal lives. In being a growth catalyst, he specializes in igniting freedom and

possibility so that people may live the highest version of themselves and evolve!

Michael is an internationally sought-after empowerment /

self-improvement speaker & storyteller who has spoken to many organizations,

including CBS / SHOWTIME cable network, HanesBrands, Inc., Wells Fargo Bank,

Nikon, the U.S Army, Sprint, Georgetown University, the U.S. Government, U.S.

Department of Labor, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, The Urban League, and a host of

government agencies, corporate entities, school districts, universities, educational, and

social service organizations. In addition, McGill is the best-selling author of, “Soul

Vitamins: Minerals for the Mind, Body, & Soul,” he’s an award-winning educator,

behavior interrupter, and T.V personality. He's also a contributing expert for a host of

regional radio shows and for national daytime talk shows where he provides wisdom

and insight on human behavior & human connection.

McGill's experience includes work as:

● A mayoral-appointed city health commissioner (for “Women, Infants & Children”)

● Mental health professional

● Public school educator

● Urban school mediation counselor & coordinator

● Appointed juvenile court adjudication administrator

● Consultant for organizations looking to build community & connection.

Michael has spent the last decade empowering people, organizations, and

families with the tools to get clarity from chaos and discover healthier ways of being.

With a graduate degree in clinical mental health counseling (with honors) from the Johns

Hopkins University, McGill also has a strong background in urban education, conflict resolution, and social psychology. Through his educational and life experiences, Michael developed a robust passion for encouraging + empowering individuals and families to overcome obstacles and live healthy, wholehearted lives. Michael, himself, is an overcomer of a toxic childhood that left wounds which needed healing, so he knows how these deficiencies show up in our lives, our work, and within our family units. Through these talks, Michael gets the jubilant opportunity of teaching others how

to see themselves and the world differently, how to make radical changes, and how

to show up to be fully seen. He’s here to build the capacity of all those who are ready

for the journey! Connect with Michael on social media @Michael McGill Jr or at

Michael McGill best motivational keynote speaker author
Michael McGill Jr TV personality media promo Speaker writer tv therapist Front promotional picture
Michael McGill Jr TV promo photo
Michael McGill Jr profile picture image bow tie speaker
Michael McGill Jr TV personality media promo Speaker writer tv therapist Front promotional picture
Michael McGill Jr profile picture image bow tie speaker

Michael's Partial List of Happy Clients:

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